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All Titles for California - A Goldmine of Diversity

Audiotapes.com is proud to present the following recordings from California - A Goldmine of Diversity, which was sponsored by The Federation of Genealogical Societies and California State Genealogy Alliance. All titles were recorded 8/7/2002 at Ontaria, CA USA.

1. "The Genealogy's Complete: Now What? Mining Basic Sources to Expand It into a Family History
      by Harold W. Hinds Jr.

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02t69

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2. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Conference
      by Michael Leclerc

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F105

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3. A Great Migration: Mexican Border Arrival Records, 1905-1952
      by Marian L. Smith

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S138

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4. A Low Cost, No Dues Way to Run and Organization
      by Mini Lozano Holtzman

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02w13

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5. Accreditation & the New International Commission on the Accreditation of Professional Genealogists (ICAPGen)
      by Karen Clifford

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02t76

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6. America Moves West: Nineteenth Century Westward Migration
      by Chuck Knuthson

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F102

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7. American Court Records: Mirror of a Nation
      by Loretto Dennis Szucs

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S146

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8. An Introduction to Archival Research
      by Jack Simpson

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F98

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9. An Introduction to Medieval English Genealogy
      by Steve W. Myers

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02t59

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10. Appalachian Trails Leading to the Ohio River: A Map Study of Migration Routes, 1750-1790
      by Carrie Eldridge

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F86

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11. Are Your Ancestory "Taxing" You?
      by Pamela J. Cooper

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02w9

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12. Army Paymaster Accounts: Untapped Sources for Genealogists
      by Craig Roberts Smith

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F115

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13. Automating Your Society Office or Library
      by Edward E. "Ted" Steele

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02w29

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14. Be Your Own Detective: Locate Lost Family & Friends
      by Kathleen W. Hinckley

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F125

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15. Beyond the Port of Entry: 20th Century INS Records of Immigrants
      by Marian L. Smith

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F99

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16. Bookkeeping 101 for the Genealogical Society
      by Cath Madden Trindle

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02w28

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17. Bureau of Indian Affairs Records & More
      by Rhonda G. Edwards

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F100

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18. Buried Treasure in the English Parish Chest
      by Paul Milner

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S136

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19. But Didn't the Internet Repeal the Copyright Laws?
      by Frederick Moss

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S134

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20. California Gold Rush
      by Chuck Knuthson

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S183

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21. California: A Goldmine of Diversity
      by Sheila Benedict/ Wendy Elliott

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02t46

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22. Celebrating the Century: The National Genealogical Society's Plans for Its Centennial Year
      by Robert Charles Anderson

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F104

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23. Cemetaries I Have Walked
      by Besty Firth Gottsponer

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02w32

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24. Census Indexes: Online and Off
      by Kathleen W. Hinckley

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02t77

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25. Community Relations and Partnering Family History Center Resources
      by Raymond Cheatham

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02w26

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26. Comparing Genealogical Software
      by Richard S. Wilson

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F126

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27. Creating the Operating Handbook Your Society Needs
      by Paul Stuart Warren

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02w15

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28. Dates in Genealogy - Beyond Month, Day, Year
      by Patricia Law Hatcher

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02t51

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29. Developing a Strategic Plan for your Society
      by Edward E. "Ted" Steele

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02w6

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30. Developing the Skills to Become a Genealogist
      by John T. Humphery

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02w16

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31. Doing it All: Juggling Multiple Genealogy Projects with out a clone
      by Sharon DeBartolo Carmack

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02a43

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32. Doing Scottish Research in a Computer World
      by Dean J. Hunter

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S176

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33. Dublin, 30 June 1922: Did Everything Blow Up?
      by Eileen O'Duill

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02t66

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34. Early California Newspapers: Goldmines of Information
      by Peter E. Carr

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S139

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35. Effectively Using the Internet in Family History Centers
      by Donna Miller

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02w33

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36. Essential Sofware utilities for Genealogists
      by Rhonda R. McClure

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S178

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37. European Ethnic Resources in Chicago
      by Jack Simpson

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S168

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38. Family History Center Equipment Including Computers
      by Mike Provard

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02w34

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39. Family History Department Product/Technical Overview and Training
      by Raymond Cheatham

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02w4

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40. Family Traditions: How to Separate Fact from Fiction in Genealoical Research
      by Henry Z. "Hank" Jones Jr.

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02w25

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41. FamilySearch Internet: Everything We Can Tell
      by Randy Bryson

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F96

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42. Finding Your Jewish Roots: An Introduction to Jewish Genealogy
      by Ted Gostin

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F129

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43. From Errors to Experience
      by Ann Turner Dillion

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S158

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44. From Nameplate to ###: The Mechanics of the Newsletter
      by Nancy M. Huebotter

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02w21

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45. Future of Technology in Family History
      by Michael Bowen

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F107

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46. Genealogical Geography: Adding a Geographer's Perspective to Your Research
      by Melinda Shackleford Kashuba

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F110

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47. Genealogical Methodology in the Curriculum of Social Sciences
      by Robert Charles Anderson

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F97

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48. Genealogical Research in California Mining Records
      by Melinda Shackleford Kashuba

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S147

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49. Genealogical Research in New England
      by Kip Sperry

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S169

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50. Genealogical Research in the Nations of Scandinavia
      by Daniel Schlyter

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S144

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51. Genealogy 911: Protecting You and Your Clients from Disaster
      by Melinda S Kashuba

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02t54

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52. Genealogy in the New Millennium
      by Everett B. Ireland

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S141

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53. Genealogy Marketing and Advertising: A Matter of Presentation
      by Arlene Eakle

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02a37

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54. Get Published! From Proposal to Publication
      by Sharon Debartolo Carmack

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02a39

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55. Griffith's "Primary" Valuation of Ireland - Accessing and Using the Resource Effectively
      by George B. Handran

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S140

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56. Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? The Burroughs-Warren Familly Reunion
      by Tony Burroughs/ Jim Warren

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F133

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57. Hamburg Passenger Lists
      by Daniel Schlyter

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F93

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58. Has Your British Isles Research Been Done Already?
      by Paul Milner

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02t75

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59. Hooked on Courthouses (On and Off Line)
      by Sandra Hargreaves Luebking

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S154

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60. How Accurate Are Your Senses? Getting Past the Errors in Census Records
      by Pamela J. Cooper

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02t70

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61. How to Doucment Victims & Locate Survivors of the Holocaust
      by Gary Mokotoff

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F87

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62. I Found It Online: Separating Fact from Fiction
      by Rhonda R. McClure

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02t65

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63. Identifying Slave Owners
      by Tony Burroughs

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S164

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64. In the Beginning - Just Get Started
      by Betsy Frith Gottsponer

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02t47

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65. Introduction to Irish Genealogy: Where Do I Start?
      by Eileen O'Dull

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S156

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66. It Sure Ain't Publishers' Clearing House: The Ins and Outs of Using Peridicals for Genealogical Research
      by Chad E. Leinaweaver

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S142

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67. Jimmie's Story
      by Barbara Dodson Walker

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S149

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68. Just One Dollar
      by Marie Varrelman Melchiori

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F106

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69. Keeping a Computer Interest Group Alive and Well!
      by James L. Slade

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02w24

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70. Land Records on the Web: What's There & What's Not
      by Patricia Law Hatcher

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F88

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71. Legal Records & Legal Research - Their Place in the Genealogist' Bag of Tricks
      by Grorge B. Handran

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02t49

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72. Locating British Miners & Their Records
      by Paul Milner

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F85

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73. Lost Your Census Enumeration District & Can't Find it? Updating/Correcting Our 1880 & 1900-1920 Census Film Labels
      by Ruth Ann Abels Hager

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02t52

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74. Low Bridge, Everybody Down: Canals & Midwest Migration
      by Carrie Eldridge

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F122

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75. Major French Canadian Genealogical Resources: What They and How to Use Them
      by Doug E. Miller

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F92

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76. Mapping Software: An Aid to Track Migration
      by James L. Slade

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F114

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77. Medical Records at the National Archives for Solders and Civilians
      by Marie Varrelman Melchiori

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S163

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78. Military Records on the Internet
      by Christine Rose

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F116

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79. Military Resources at the National Archives, Part 1
      by William B. "Bill" Doty

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S171

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80. Military Resrouces at the National Archives, Part 2
      by William B. "Bill" Doty

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S179

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81. Missionaries, Priests, Bishops, & the Records They Creade: How to Find & Use Them
      by Joy Reisinger

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F117

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82. My Ten Favorite Genealogy Reference Books..and More
      by George G. Morgan

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S182

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83. Newspaper Research beyond Obituaries
      by Sheila Benedict

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02t60

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84. No Great Depression Here: The Wealth of the 1930 Census
      by Kathleen W. Hinckley/ Constance Potter

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02t63

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85. Oh, Those Indices! The Good, Bad, & Ugly When Using an Index for Genealogical Research
      by Chad E. Leinaweaver

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F90

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86. On-Line Ordering and the New Inventory Manager
      by Donna Miller

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02w11

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87. Operating an Effective Family History
      by Michale J. Peterson

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02w3

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88. Oral History: Relative or Related
      by Barbara Dodson Walker

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F128

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89. Organizing Evidence to Overcome Record Shortages
      by Thomas W. Jones

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F89

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90. Outline of Caribbean Sources
      by Peter E. Carr

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F113

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91. Pacific Northwest Native American Research
      by Rhonda G. Edwards

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02t73

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92. Painless Organizing
      by Sharon DeBartolo Carmack

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02t72

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93. Paso al Norte Immigration History Museum & Research Center - From Concept to Reality
      by Marguerite Houze

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S148

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94. Passport Records and World War I Draft Records
      by Eileen Polokoff

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S143

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95. People Handling: Clients, Suppliers, and Peers
      by Gary Mokotoff

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02a42

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96. Personal History is Not Genealogy
      by Elizabeth Wright

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02a44

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97. Photographic Identification, Preservation & Restoration, Part 1
      by David Mishkin

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S162

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98. Photographic identification, Preservation & Restoration, Part 2
      by David Mishkin

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S170

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99. Planning a Successful Cemetery Research Trip
      by George G. Morgan

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F131

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100. Planning for Successful Programs
      by Jonelle Ellis Russell

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02w22

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101. Polish American Research: Using Resources in the U.S. & Poland
      by Paul S. Valasek

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S152

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102. Project Management and Professional Genealogy: The Perfect Marriage
      by Roger Miller/ Julie Miller

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02a38

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103. Public Land Survey
      by Patricia Law Hatcher

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S173

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104. Question and Answer Seesion
      by Michael Jay Peterson

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02w27

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105. Reading Early American Handwriting
      by Kip Sperry

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02t74

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106. Realities of Canadian Census Returns
      by Joy Reisinger

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S166

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107. Red Herrings and Locked Doors-Taking the Mystery out of the Application Process
      by Jay Reisinger

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S160

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108. Researching a Revolutionary War Ancestor
      by Craig Roberts Scott

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S135

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109. Researching Pennsylvania Ancestors
      by John T. Humphrey

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02t71

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110. Researching Your Civil War Ancestor: A Beginner's Guide to the War between the States
      by Curt B. Witcher

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S151

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111. Resources for Tracing Early Settlers in the Old Northwest Territory
      by Steven W. Myers

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F94

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112. Salt Lake City: Using the Resources of the Family History Library from Near or Far
      by James W. Warren

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F118

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113. Scanners for the Genealogist
      by Richard S. Wilson

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S157

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114. Secretarial Skills: Good Communication is the Key
      by Jill N. Crandall

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02w8

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115. So You Can't Read a Foreing Language: Deciphering Vital Records - Tips and Techniques
      by C. Ann Staley

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S184

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116. Solving Pedigree Problems
      by Wendy Bebout Elliott

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02w2

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117. Solving the Mystery of the Dissappearing Ancestor
      by Thomas W. Jones

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02t67

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118. Somos Primos, an Example of an Ethnic Online Magazine
      by Mimi Lozano Holtzman

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S180

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119. Sources for Reconstructing a Sourdough Miner's Life on the Western Frontier in the Early 20th Century
      by Harold W. Hinds Jr.

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S167

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120. Southern California Records and Research
      by Teg Gostin

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S175

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121. Starting Your Italian-American Research
      by Sharon DeBartolo Carmack

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F101

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122. Strategies for Using the Resources of the Family History Library from Near or Far
      by Gary Mokotoff

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F119

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123. Strike Gold in WWI Draft Registration Cards
      by Ruth Ann Hager

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F124

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124. Structuring a Successful Genealogical Research Business
      by Paula Stuart Warren

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02a40

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125. Surname Quick Search!
      by Sandra Hargreaves Luebking

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02F81

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126. The Alien Adventure: Working with Non-Genealogist and Community Organizations
      by Sandra MacLean Clunies

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02a35

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127. The Care and Feeding of Society Volunteers
      by Nancy M. Huebotter

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02w5

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128. The Final Product for Your Client
      by Kathleen Hinkley

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02a41

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129. The Immigran Steamships 1890-1950
      by Paul S. Valasek

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02t68

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130. The Lt. Colombo Approach: How to Get People to Give You Valuable Information
      by Don Ray

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FGS02S161

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131. The Most Priceless Heritage: Practical Family Health History Steps
      by James W. Warren

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