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All Titles for The Fifth New England Regional Genealogical Conference

Audiotapes.com is proud to present the following recordings from The Fifth New England Regional Genealogical Conference, which was sponsored by A Consortium of Genealogical Societies in New England. All titles were recorded 10/22/1998 at Portland, Maine USA.

1. 17th Century New England Houses and Their Genealogical Significance
      by Abbot Lowell Cummings

      Our Price:  $17.00     Product Code: GCNE9832

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2. A Genealogist's Basic Library
      by Victoria Ryan

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9833

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3. A Source by Any Other Name
      by Robert Velke

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9826

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4. Acadians Deported to New England
      by Neil Joseph Boucher

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9836

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5. Canadian Census
      by Gary Bagley

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9809

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6. Computerized Cemetery Records: A New Source for Genealogists
      by John Sterling

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9822

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7. Dissecting a Probate Packet - More Than Just a Will
      by B. Judith Fenner

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9803

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8. Do You Copy? What you Need to Know About Copyright
      by David W. Dumas

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9820

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9. Exploiting Circumstantial Evidence
      by Stephen A. White

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9849

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10. Finding Your Ancestor's New York Origins
      by Roger D. Joslyn

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9835

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11. Frustrating Maine Females: Finding Families in Primary Resources
      by Lois Thurston

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9831

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12. Genealogical Research in France
      by Robert Margeau

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9845

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13. Genealogical Resources at the Maine Historical Society
      by Nicholas Noyes

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9830

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14. Genealogy I: Getting Started in Genealogy
      by Marcia Melnyk

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9811

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15. Genealogy II: Beyond the Basics
      by Marcia Melnyk

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9819

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16. Genealogy Research in the National Archives
      by NARA Representative

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9806

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17. Getting More Out of the Family Search Menu
      by Helen Ullman

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9842

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18. Gravestones and Oh the Stories They Could Tell
      by Laurel Gabel

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9837

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19. Identifying Primary Source Documents in New England
      by Richard Roberts

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9855

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20. Identifying, Preserving, and Restoring Old Photographs, Part 1
      by David Mishkin

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9810

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21. Identifying, Preserving, and Restoring Old Photographs, Part II
      by David Mishkin

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9815

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22. In the Footsteps of the Pilgrims
      by Patricia L. Odiorne

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9829

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23. Introduction to Jewish Genealogy
      by Warren Blatt

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9823

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24. Lineages I - Preparing Line of Descent
      by Duncan Chaplin III

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9817

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25. Lineages II - Researching Lines of Descent
      by Duncan Chaplin III

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9848

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26. Making Headway in Massachusetts: MA Genealogical Resources
      by Ruth Wellner

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9813

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27. Preparation and Delivery of Quality Genealogical Lectures
      by Michael Leclerc

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9802

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28. Recipe for Writing Your Family History -- II
      by Sharon DeBartolo Carmack

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9851

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29. Recipe for Writing Your Family History --- I
      by Sharon DeBartolo Carmack

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9846

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30. Researching British Genealogy in England
      by Petronelle Cook

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9828

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31. Researching in the LDS Library in Salt Lake City
      by Roena Zink

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9847

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32. Roots in Granite: Research in New Hampshire
      by Ann Theobold Chaplin

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9843

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33. The Dating Game or Making the Calendar Work for You
      by David Dumas

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9852

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34. The Lexicon Genealogical Data Model: Methodology in a Box
      by Robert Charles Anderson

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9839

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35. The Professional Genealogist: Being One, Employing One
      by Jonathan Galli

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9808

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36. The Social and Religious Impact of the Quakers in 17th Century New England
      by David Jay Webber

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9856

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37. There's a Tree in My Computer
      by Steve Kyner

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9812

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38. Three Females 10 - 16…Making Sense of Pre-1850 Censuses
      by Roger D. Joslyn

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9814

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39. Tracking Your Immigrant Ancestor
      by Dianne B. Lenti

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9854

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40. Using Antique and Historical Maps for Genealogy
      by James Gould

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9824

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41. Using Scanned Images to Research on the Web and CD-Rom
      by David Martin

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE981A

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42. Vermont Bibliography for the Genealogist
      by John A. Leppman

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9853

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43. What Given Names tell us About our Ancestors
      by David W. Dumas

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9834

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44. What's New in Italian Genealogy
      by Marcia Melnyk

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9844

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45. Where to Look for Your Acadian Ancestors
      by Stephen A. White

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: GCNE9816

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