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Attention Deficit Disorder Recordings Sorted by Speaker

We have 809 titles in this category. The first 20 titles are listed below in alphabetical order by the speaker's last name. Use the controls at the bottom of the page to see the next set of titles.

501. Learning How to Better Manage Your Time
      Judith Lubeck / Recorded 9/11/1997 at A Matter of Style
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: ABCA-S-03

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502. Onward Through the Fog! Residual ADD: Medical Disorder or Personality Type?
      MILTON LUCIUS / Recorded 5/15/1993 at The Changing world of Adults with ADD
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: AMTOH-11

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503. Applying Emotional Freedom Technique for ADD Anxiety, Overwhelm and Rumination
      Barbara Luther / Recorded 7/1/2008 at 13th National ADDA Conference
      Our Price: $12.00      Product Code: B08-23-mp3

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504. Positoning Your Coaching Business for Success
      Barbara Luther / Recorded 3/28/2003 at The International AD/HD Coaching Conference 2003
      Our Price: $11.00      Product Code: TM19

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505. Applying Emotional Freedom Technique for ADD Anxiety, Overwhelm and Rumination
      Barbara Luther / Recorded 7/1/2008 at 13th National ADDA Conference
      Our Price: $11.00      Product Code: B08-23-CD

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506. The Nuts and Bolts of Running a Better Mutual Aid Self-Help Group
      ED MADARA / Recorded 4/21/1995 at Meeting the Challenge - Living the adventure
      Our Price: $20.00      Product Code: AMIN-W9AB

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507. Assessment of ADHD from A Neuropsychological Perspective, Part II: Assessment and Intervention
      Robert L. Mapou / Recorded 9/22/2000 at Coming Out of the Darkness
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: IAHB-00-9

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508. Assessment of ADHD from a Neuropsychological Perspective, Part I: Research and Rating Skills
      Robert L. Mapou / Recorded 9/22/2000 at Coming Out of the Darkness
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: IAHB-00-1

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509. Help! My Grades are Falling and I Can't Get Them Up
      Geraldine Markel / Recorded 5/7/1999 at ADD Conference 1999
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: WBF7

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510. Performance Breakthroughs for Children and Teens with ADD/LD: The Parents Role
      Geraldine Markel / Recorded 5/16/1997 at Adult ADD Conference 1997
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: AAAM-M9708

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511. Time Management: A New Approach
      Geraldine Markel / Recorded 5/16/1997 at Adult ADD Conference 1997
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: AAAM-M9738

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512. Electronic Books and What They Can Do For You?
      Dan Marques / Recorded 9/11/1997 at A Matter of Style
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: ABCA-F-10

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513. The Use of Medications in the Treatment of ADD
      ROBERT W. MARQUIS / Recorded 10/6/1995 at ADD Across the Lifespan
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: ADDM-05

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514. Getting a Good Diagnosis
      ROBERT W. MARQUIS / Recorded 10/6/1995 at ADD Across the Lifespan
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: ADDM-08

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515. Finding The Right Medication for the ADD Patient
      ROBERT W. MARQUIS / Recorded 10/6/1995 at ADD Across the Lifespan
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: ADDM-11

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516. Singing for Joy: A Positive Note
      GRACE MASHAW / Recorded 5/18/1995 at Bringing the Pieces Together
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: ADMI-F5E

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517. Time Management for the ADDer
      Sandy Maynard / Recorded 3/28/2003 at The International AD/HD Coaching Conference 2003
      Our Price: $11.00      Product Code: TM7

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      Dwaine McCaflon / Recorded 11/7/1997 at Putting the Pieces Together
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: ACA-CA711

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      Dwaine McCallon / Recorded 11/7/1997 at Putting the Pieces Together
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: ACA-CA742

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      Dwaine McCallon / Recorded 11/7/1997 at Putting the Pieces Together
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: ACA-CA723

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